Put the Brakes on Aging

A woman sitting with legs crossed in a sunny field

As the CEO of Twinlab Consolidated Holdings, Naomi Whittel has launched hundreds of nutritional supplements made with scientifically proven ingredients for longevity, weight management, and beauty. Here, she discusses her new book, Glow15: A Science-Based Plan to Lose Weight, Revitalize Your Skin, and Invigorate Your Life ($26, HMH, 2018).

An Interview with Naomi Whittel

What new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life over the last five years?

Three years ago, I traveled to Calabria, Italy, to learn more about the bergamot citrus fruit. I knew of its link to heart health, cholesterol, and longevity, but I soon discovered its connection to a cellular process that plays a major role in aging called autophagy (pronounced aw-TOFF-uh-gee).

Autophagy removes toxins and repairs damage that has accumulated in our cells caused by exposure to environmental conditions plus natural wear and tear that accelerate the signs of aging. Like many things in our body, as we age, autophagy slows and becomes less efficient, making you look and feel older.

After learning about autophagy and what activating this process in our bodies can do for health and reversing the signs of aging, I went in search of the science about ways we could reignite this cellular detoxification process. It is why I developed the Glow15 plan, to make activating autophagy simple, easy, and most effective.

How long have you been following the Glow15 formula outlined in your book?

I have followed the plan and its components over the last couple of years. When I saw the results in my own body—more energy, better sleep, and weight loss—we conducted a 60-day clinical study on the plan. That is how we came to the Glow15 title. The women who participated in the clinical study began to see results in just 15 days.

Do you have a personal mantra you live your life by these days?

Fat first, fat most, every day in every way. Dietary fat isn’t a villain, it’s our friend. It is essential to optimal health, and it is your body’s preferred fuel. It’s satiating, making it protective against cravings for unhealthy foods.

I start each day off with fat, like AutophaTea (the tea will be sold at specialty stores nationwide, and a DIY version of it is detailed in the book), avocado, or eggs. In Glow15, I detail the importance of dietary fat for our health and provide easy recipes to get these good fats incorporated into your daily life. (The only type of dietary fat you should not include in your diet is trans fats.)

What beauty rituals detailed in your new book do you enjoy the most?

In order to outsmart aging and boost my sleep, I take a hot Epsom salts bath, soaking in the tub for 20 to 30 minutes. Epsom salts break down into magnesium and sulfate in hot water. The minerals are absorbed through your skin and help with detoxification. The heat also helps your circadian rhythm. This is because your natural drop in body temperature is balanced with the heat of the bath. Then, when you get out of the hot bath, your temperature will plummet again, making you all the more ready for sleep. Since I travel quite a bit, I make sure I pack Epsom salts wherever I go.

What is one of the best investments you’ve ever made?

The investment of time into self-care. I believe it’s important for women to put our oxygen masks on first before assisting others so that we can be the best we can be for ourselves and those that depend on us. It is not an easy decision for women to make, but it is critical for our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. I try to make time each day for self-care, whether it’s 30 minutes of exercise or 15 minutes of meditation.

What excites you most, science or business? 

Science is my business, so for me they are one in the same! I travel the globe in search of the best and purest ingredients to support health, wellness, and beauty. I then work with world-renowned scientists and researchers to deliver the best health and wellness solutions to help us all not just survive, but thrive.


Naomi Whittel

Naomi Whittel, CEO of Twinlab Consolidated Holdings, has made it her mission to better the lives of women by empowering them to take control of their health. Watch out for her new book, Glow15: A Science-Based Lifestyle Plan to Lose Weight, Revitalize Your Skin, and Invigorate Your Life.