Taste for Life is your one-stop customer education and marketing solution.



your store when you offer your customized magazine program at community events and area practitioner offices.


your shoppers with quality, fact-based, sourced content they can trust, bringing them back to your store again and again.


your customer base with the customized print and digital marketing tools.
Get started today!
Taste for Life magazine
Taste for Life magazine

Taste for Life is the number one, in-store consumer education program for natural health retailers.

Taste for Life is more than a magazine. It’s an educational program that includes customization capabilities and retail support tools to enhance your retail sales.

Taste for Life reports on a full spectrum of natural and organic topics relevant to your product mix on-shelf, ultimately influencing your shoppers to buy more.

remedies magazine
remedies magazine

remedies serves retailers and wellness professionals focused on nutritional supplements, complementary and alternative therapies, and natural body care.

Authoritative, sourced editorial connects with readers who are committed to natural healing and optimal health. A monthly overview of the science behind dietary supplements and other holistic health strategies, remedies creates educated, confident consumers—and increases your sales.


We offer customizable websites for natural product retailers!

Our modern, responsive websites

  • Support your store message
  • Educate your shoppers
  • Increase sales

Want to know more?

Already have a website you love? Click here!

Already have a website you love?

That doesn't mean you have to miss out on our content!

Try out Digital Content Library or Syndicated Content Package.

Enhance and extend your online presence:

Digital Content Library

A turnkey microsite features your branding, with our content. Simply link to it from your website!

Syndicated Content Package

Receive a monthly package of articles and recipes you can add right into your store's own blog!

Natural Wellness enewsletter
Natural Wellness enewsletter

Boost your consumer loyalty with Natural Wellness. This turnkey, monthly customizable enewsletter can be updated with all your monthly promotions and in-store happenings.

Let's do this!

Contact us to discuss a program that suits your needs!