Taste for Life is more than a magazine. It’s an educational program that includes customization capabilities and retail support tools to enhance your retail sales.
Taste for Life reports on a full spectrum of natural and organic topics relevant to your product mix on-shelf, ultimately influencing your shoppers to buy more.
The Retail Approach monthly retailer enewsletter provides advance notice of articles and promotions appearing in the upcoming issue of Taste for Life magazine.
Staff quiz emailed monthly educates your staff on editorial within each month’s magazine.
Editorial poster featured four times a year.
buyorganic!, our special annual edition offered every September for Organic Harvest Month, dedicated to organic products and sustainability.
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Authoritative, sourced editorial connects with readers who are committed to natural healing and optimal health. A monthly overview of the science behind dietary supplements and other holistic health strategies, remedies creates educated, confident consumers—and increases your sales.
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Vice President – Retail Sales and Strategic Partnerships