Kiki Milk

Moo-ve Over, Cow’s Milk!
kids sitting around a plate of cookies, cheering with glasses of plant-based milk

I drank cow’s milk growing up. But as an adult, I don’t tolerate it very well. I’ve tried every vegan alternative out there: soy, rice, oat, almond, coconut, hemp.

In baking, I’ve found it doesn’t matter much which variety you use—unless it’s a milk-heavy recipe like a pudding or a sauce. But over cereal? Or enjoyed on its own? Consistency and flavor are important when it comes to alternative milks.

Plant-based, organic Kiki Milk Original is the closest I’ve found to cow’s milk. It’s smooth, creamy, and mild in flavor. There’s no off-putting aftertaste. And it’s not overpoweringly sweet like other brands. It’s lightly sweetened with coconut sugar and monk fruit extract.

Made from organic, nutrient-dense, and omega-rich super foods such as oats, coconuts, hemp seeds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, bananas, and amla (Indian gooseberry), this vegan milk is non-GMO and third-party tested to make sure the product contains no glyphosate.

Colorfully decorated with the whimsical artwork of dragons and whales, Kiki Milk’s single-serve, shelf-stable packages can be conveniently brought to school, work, or on-the-go activities.

The inside flap of the box the milk arrives in says it right: Made for kids. Enjoyed by all.

Oh, and if you fancy chocolate milk? They’ve got a version of that too.

Twelve-packs are available for $35.


Lisa Fabian

Contributing Editor

Lisa Fabian is an award-winning freelance writer with more than 25 years of experience in the publishing industry. She's enjoyed covering topics as diverse as arts and crafts, boating, food, and health and wellness.