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The 2025 Healthy Resolutions Giveaway

The 2025 Healthy Resolutions Giveaway

Another New Year means another chance to improve your health and well-being, and we’ve got the goods to help make it happen: amazing all-natural products to get you started on your wellness journey!

Enter our Healthy Resolutions giveaway for a chance to win a prize package worth more than $575.

You can also send us a one-of-a-kind creation that showcases your goals for the coming year. You can send us a collage, song, poem, painting, drawing, or whatever your creative mind envisions! (We regret we are unable to return submissions.)

If you have a physical entry to submit, please send to:

Healthy Resolutions
c/o Taste for Life
155 Washington St. First Floor
Keene, NH 03431

All entries must be postmarked no later than January 31, 2025. Best of luck!

(This contest is separate from our weekly Giveaway Wednesday. You can enter that too!)


Comprised of a unique blend of natural, high-quality, clean ingredients, Almased is the only meal replacement shake mix with naturally occurring bioactive peptides, which have tremendous health benefits. Scientifically shown to:
•  Help you lose up to 10 lbs in a month
•  Improve metabolism
•  Detoxify your liver, unclogging liver from fat
•  Burn fat without losing muscle


Neprinol AFD is a clinically developed supplement that helps the body by maintaining already healthy fibrin expression and inflammation levels. Neprinol was designed for people suffering from pain, inflammation, heart disease, high cholesterol, and joint pain like rheumatoid or osteoarthritis.


Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is the original way to get your daily dose of wellness. Crafted with 100% organically grown apples, it’s raw, unfiltered, and unpasteurized. No added colors, no preservatives, and no processed sugars. Kosher. Non-GMO verified.


Introducing VitaCholine from Emerald Labs, the Additive-Free Company. This specialty L+Bitartrate form of choline is considered “Gold-Standard” support for the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which has been shown to support memory, mood, and muscle health.


Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics, the only 3-year fermented food supplement, provides key benefits from prebiotics, probiotics and all-important postbiotics to promote optimal overall health.


Terry Naturally Aronia Berry Complex delivers two amazing clinically studied botanicals for overall healthy aging and antioxidant support.


Food For Life sprouts each grain, bean, and seed, which increases nutrition and digestibility and alkalizes the grains naturally. Delicious, nutritious, Certified Organic, and Non-GMO.


Raw Organic Protein, Vanilla is made with organic peas, sprouted grains, seeds, and legumes, delivering 22 grams of protein with all the essential amino acids. Delivers vitamins A, D, E, and K and supports digestive health and function with probiotics and protein-digesting enzymes. §


Grace your lips with vibrant color and divine hydration. Non-sticky formula glides effortlessly with our queen-sized doe-foot applicator. Enriched with vitamin E for long-lasting color.

  • Targeted support for attention and focus.
  • Promotes mental clarity and memory.
  • Supports brain health and function.
  • Promotes nervous system health.
  • Supports a balanced immune response. §

Aloe vera is a super plant! Our aloe is organically grown and contains 200 biologically active compounds working together to support your wellness goals.


A powerful blend of zinc and vitamins A, C, and D to support immune health with meaningful, effective amounts of essential nutrients your body needs.


Elevate your health this New Year with Mushroom Emperors! Packed with reishi, cordyceps, Maitake D-Fraction, and more, it supports immunity, energy, and vitality for a thriving you.  § 

Exclusively by Mushroom Wisdom


Plant Head Real Meal provides 30g plant protein, 13g fiber, 44 whole food ingredients, 24 vitamins/minerals, and is Non-GMO Project Verified for optimal health.


Bloated? Gassy? Feeling out of sorts? Bestselling MagO7 cleans you out overnight, guaranteed, so you can look and feel your best come morning. 


NOW Omega-3 Fish Oil Gummy Chews contain 750 milligrams of fish oil, a full daily dosage, in one convenient chew. No fishy taste and sugar free.


OceanBlue’s Brain Fuel contains 1,000mg of pure DHA—the same stuff your brain is made from—to support cognitive function and help you ascend to genius status. §


Natural Olbas vapors provide a pleasant, refreshing, and cooling sensation to your nasal passages. Especially beneficial during times of seasonal discomfort, low humidity, and other unwelcome nasal encounters. Fast-acting, penetrating vapors provide an immediate, fresh, clean feeling in the nose, sinuses, and lungs.


Gentle, plant-derived, anti-aging natural face lotion with mineral sunscreen enhances firmer looking skin, lessens fine lines and wrinkles, and reveals tighter, stronger skin. 


Belly Be Happy combines gentle herbs like ginger, marshmallow, slippery elm, and peppermint with two probiotics for everyday digestive comfort. 


Features a deep golden-yellow color and distinctive, pungent aroma. Essential in curry powders and East Indian cuisine, also used in mustards, dressings, and rice recipes.


Mega-Mag is a rich, concentrated, liquid dietary supplement that provides magnesium in ionic form, the form most widely recognized by the body. Magnesium participates in over 300 biochemical pathways in the body. Also includes a full spectrum of concentrated ionic trace minerals.


PMS Relief vegan gummies are taken daily throughout the month to offer hormonal support throughout your cycle and relief when PMS symptoms strike. Try Winged at 25% off at TFL25.

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a huge collection of all-natural foods and supplements