Deb K Hypnosis
Q&A with Deb K Hypnosis
I’ve always been fascinated with how we can grow and blossom, mentally, physically, and emotionally.
I started my journey at the Bancroft School of Massage in Worcester, MA. While in school, I had unexpected emotional reactions while receiving massages. We were learning about people with “issues in their tissues,” who may cry during massage because an emotion that was dormant in the body is released. When it happened to me, the school had me take a break so I could see a trauma specialist.
Having my own issues come up informed my later work as a hypnotist. A lot of people come in to work on one thing, say overeating or smoking, and we end up working on underlying issues.
I do a 30-minute consultation that gives me a bigger picture of what may need to be worked on besides the surface issue that brings them to my office.
For example, I worked with someone who could lose weight but would always regain it. I said, “Do you want to get to the root of the yo-yoing and release this whole problem?” Because she had an alcohol addiction a long time ago, and she’d switched the addiction to food.
I don’t go there with everybody, but we can use hypnosis to get to core issues. People know they eat too much sugar too late at night. We explore questions such as, “What are you looking for at night when you’re not hungry, but you’re compelled to eat something? What is that filling up for you?” They may not have thought of these questions because they’re on autopilot.
They start thinking of the bigger picture. And that shifts and changes everything.
Most people start the intake by telling me everything they don’t want. When they’re done talking, I ask, “What do you want? What does your day look like if you woke up in the morning, and everything was the exact way you wanted it?” It helps them shift out of negativity.
Most of my programs are three or four sessions.
If a person has a long-term goal like losing 60 pounds, they may want to come in once a month after the initial sessions to stay on track.
My stop-smoking program is two sessions. For someone with insomnia, we might do three.
The first session is the longest; it could be 60-90 minutes.
I also teach clients EFT (Emotional Freedom technique). That’s when you use your fingertips to tap on key acupuncture points while focusing on issues that hold a charge or some negativity. Tapping gives people a powerful tool that can help them neutralize uncomfortable feelings when issues bubble up.
I record the hypnosis portion on audio, and they have a customized recording they can listen to for reinforcement on the changes they are making.