Sweating, Excessive

a man sweating heavily through his dress shirt


Excessive sweating reflects instability of the part of the brain called the autonomic nervous system. It affects about 2% of the population.

If you‘ve had it since childhood, it is probably genetic. If not, consider hormonal imbalances, stress, anxiety and infections.

Common Causes

  • Estrogen and Progesterone Deficiency

    Estrogen and progesterone deficiency with menopause and peri-menopause. This can begin as much as 12 years before periods stop and your blood tests for menopause become abnormal.

    The tip-off is that the sweats/flashes are worse around and in the week before your period and/or having irregular periods.

  • Testosterone Deficiency

    (In men) Consider this if you have fatigue, low libido, difficulty with erections, high cholesterol, or depression.

  • Infections

    Infections of many types. Sinusitis or spastic colon suggests yeast overgrowth in both men and women.

  • Drops in Blood Sugar

    Caused by a low adrenal.

  • Acid Reflux

    Acid reflux being inhaled (especially at night while sleeping). Taking 12 tsp of baking soda in 4 oz of water at bedtime, and using a sleep wedge can help (see Acid Reflux).


    Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia are associated with unusual sweats (from what is called "dysautonomia").

  • Overactive Thyroid

    If racing heart, weight loss and palpitations.


  • Treat Underlying Causes

    Treat any underlying causes discussed above. Begin with anxiety if sweating is worse during stress.

  • Recommended Supplements

    • Black Cohosh

      The herb black cohosh is very helpful for sweats/hot flashes in general (use the Remifemin form).

    • Soy Bean Pods

      For menopause symptoms, soy bean pods (called "edamame" — available in the freezer section in most grocery stores) 1 handful a day can be helpful, as these naturally raise estrogen levels.

      Alternatively, use bioidentical estrogen from a holistic physician.

  • Medications

    If sweating in just a small area (e.g., palms or soles), rub a regular antiperspirant onto those areas.

    If it persists and is annoying, see a dermatologist. They have many options including:

    • Aluminum salts
    • Botox injections

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