Libido, Loss of

two trees with autumn leaves giving each other a smooch


Sexual dysfunction and loss of libido are common in the following scenarios.

  • Age-Related

    As we age, we have lower estrogen and testosterone levels. This can be treated safely and effectively by holistic physicians using bioidentical hormones — in both men and women.

  • Chronic Pain

    Pain can cause a low testosterone level, as can treatment with codeine/narcotics.

  • Depression

    Depression can cause low libido, and it is important to be able to talk about your feelings with your doctor and family.

  • Anti-Depressants

    Anti-depressants like Prozac can frequently cause severe loss of libido and sexual dysfunction.

  • Being Unhappy

    Being unhappy in general or in your relationship or how you feel about how you look can decrease libido.

  • CFS or FMS

    Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome cause loss of libido in 73% of cases.


  • Therapies & Advice

    • Treat Low Testosterone

      If your testosterone level is in the lowest 30% of the normal range, consider treatment.

      Checking testosterone levels is appropriate in anyone, both male and female, with sexual dysfunction — especially in the presence of chronic pain.

      Your doctor will say the result is fine if it’s in the normal range (i.e., not in the lowest 2 % of the population), but this may still be the cause (see the problem with lab tests).

      Testosterone (1-4 mg a day — keep in the mid part of the normal range) can also help loss of libido in women.

      Topical Testosterone

      When treating for low testosterone, use natural topical testosterone instead of synthetics. In men, natural prescription testosterone (Androgel or Testim) can be applied to the skin twice daily for a total daily dose of 50-100 mg. Testosterone cream can also be made much less expensively by compounding pharmacists.

      In men with low or low-normal testosterone who also had angina, high cholesterol, and/or diabetes, repeated studies have shown improvement in all 3 conditions when natural testosterone was used — and no increase in prostate cancer.

    • Check Your Antidepressants

      Antidepressants are a major cause of loss of libido (and inability to orgasm). See Depression for effective natural alternatives, so you can come off your antidepressant and get your sex life back.

      If you do need a depression medication, Wellbutrin, trazodone, or Remeron do not seem to cause the sexual dysfunction caused by other anti-depressants.

    • Read The Book

      For more information, see the book Pain Free 1-2-3.

  • Recommended Supplements

    • Rhodiola

      Rhodiola may reduce premature ejaculation and boost sexual desire in both men and women. Rhodiola also seems to revive sexual energy, provide increased pleasure, improve erections, and intensify orgasms, allowing for more satisfying sex.

    • Ginseng, Ginkgo, Maca, and Horny Goat Weed

      These may also help in restoring sexual desire and function in both men and women.

    • Specific Treatment for Women

      The following combination is recommended for women:

      • Maca root extract 400-800 mg/day
      • Rhodiola rosea extract 150-300 mg/day
      • Ashwagandha root extract 250-500 mg/day
      • Siberian ginseng extract 150-300 mg/day
      • Ginkgo biloba extract 50-240 mg/day
      • Diindolymethane (DIM) 100-200 mg/day
      • Macuna pruriens extract (15% L-dopa) 100-200 mg/day

      These can be tried individually, or many of these can be found in combination in “Desire” by Ultraceuticals or “Hot Plants — For Her” by Enzymatic Therapy.

    • Specific Treatment for Men

      The following combination is recommended for men:

      • Maca root extract 400-800 mg/day
      • Rhodiola rosea extract 150-300 mg/day
      • Epimedium extract 100-200 mg/day
      • Longjack extract 50-100 mg/day
      • Panax ginseng 100-200 mg/day
      • Ginkgo biloba extract 50-240 mg/day
      • Diindolymethane (DIM) 100-200 mg/day
      • Macuna pruriens extract (15% L-dopa) 50-200 mg/day
      • Tribulus terrestris extract 100-200 mg/day

      These can be tried individually, or many of these can be found in combination in “Potency Plus” by Ultraceuticals or “Hot Plants — For Him” by Enzymatic Therapy.

More Information Online


Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, is one of the most frequently quoted long COVID, fibromyalgia, energy, and pain medical authorities in the world.

He is the author of 12 books, including the bestselling From Fatigued to Fantastic and the popular free Smart Phone app Cures A-Z. He is the lead author of eight studies on effective treatment for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dr. Teitelbaum appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and FoxNewsHealth.