a woman holding an S.O.S. sign over her privates

Vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina.


  • Infections

    • Yeast infection — whitish itchy discharge with little smell — increased by antibiotics or excess sugar intake
    • Bacterial — often with a fishy smell
    • Trichomoniasis
    • Other infections
  • Hormonal Deficiencies

    Hormonal (estrogen) deficiencies during menopause.

  • Irritating Substances


  • Therapies & Advice

    • Check for STDs

      To rule out a sexually transmitted disease, it is best that vaginitis be evaluated by a gynecologist.

    • Yeast Vaginitis

      • Avoid Antibiotics and Sugar

        Adding a teaspoon of plain yogurt with LIVE bacterial culture vaginally daily can help restore healthy balance and may help eliminate an acute infection as well.

        Probiotics by mouth may decrease recurrence as well.

      • Topical Treatments

        Tea tree oil suppositories (irritating) may also help, but frankly the OTC Monistat (miconazole) or Mycelex (Clotrimazole) vaginal creams are safer and more reliable.

      • Treat for Candida

        Also see Candida.

    • Infections

      For other infections, consult your gynecologist.

    • Hormonal Deficiencies

      For hormonal deficiencies, consider bioidentical estrogen (see Menopause).