Bowl of Chicken and Bok Choy Soup

QuickStart to a Radical Metabolism

What if you could spring your metabolism forward as easily as the clock? Well, you can with my brand new Spring Kickoff. It’s called QuickStart: Your Guide to a Radical Metabolism. It is featured in this month’s Woman’s World magazine.

QuickStart is the bridge between my New York Times bestselling Fat Flush Plan–which launched the detox and diet revolution–and my highly-anticipated upcoming book Radical Metabolism, which will be in book stores this summer.

But, I don't want you to have to wait to start getting results! Now, you can rapidly and effortlessly start the metabolic revving process in just two weeks with QuickStart. Then, you can keep sending your metabolism into overdrive for long-term and keep the weight off for good with Radical Metabolism.

Whether you are over 40 or you just have an “over-40 metabolism,” this innovative new approach turns conventional weight loss programs on their head. It is especially effective if you’ve been struggling with a sluggish thyroid or autoimmune issues such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis—this promises to kick your metabolism into overdrive and reset your metabolic “clock.”

As a health pioneer, I have been on the frontlines of nutrition for more than 30 years. Now I’m focusing in on metabolism at the level of the cell, because everything starts there!

If you describe yourself as a “slow loser,” you likely have some degree of metabolic damage. My new program is aimed at turning this around, especially for those with thyroid issues.

Here’s the thing: Thyroid problems are epidemic today.

Did you know, for example, that your thyroid depends on getting enough of the right fats to function optimally? In fact, fats are critical to ALL of your body’s vital operations. And it’s more than just the omega-3s that you hear so much about—the 3s, the 6s and the 9s all have their metabolic roles to play.

With my Spring QuickStart, you will flood your body with metabolically active fats and other superfoods—such as the long-forgotten bitters—that will heal and seal your gut, provide boundless energy and result in effortless weight loss. We will prime the pump with a tasty two-week program that includes your favorite Fat Flush meals, metabolism-maxing supplements, and beverages that help flush fat-binding toxins from your body.

It’s so simple!

Here’s the plan in a nutshell:

  1. Breakfast: A supercharged Energy Blaster made with cacao, coffee and coconut milk.
  2. Lunch: A filling Creamy Frappe made with Fat Flush Body Protein or Whey Protein.
  3. Dinner: A wholesome Fat Flush meal with high-quality protein, skinny fats and unlimited vegetables.

To further fire up your fat burners, you will select four days for doing mini-fasts. Don’t let the word “fast” scare you because hunger isn’t part of the plan—even on those fasting days! You will be amazed at how satisfied you become when your body is getting everything it needs. In no time at all, you’ll be reaching for those skinny jeans or that little black dress you’ve missed so much.

One of the program’s biggest assets is its support system. Studies show that support is critical to success in almost any endeavor. The Spring Kickoff to a Radical Metabolism is built around community.

The program’s success rate is proof that support really does make a difference. Here’s what a few excited folks had to say:

I am (almost) sleeping like a baby and there is a spring in my step that I haven’t had in years. I love the energy I am having to tackle the things I’ve been putting off for ages. Even my thinking is clearer. Sandy F.

I aimed for losing 15 pounds and blew past that! I had to purchase skinnier jeans! Skinny wasn’t my goal, just cleaning up my diet and optimizing my health. This is the best because it changes the way you think about food. Stick with it and you will be rewarded in more ways that you can imagine. Juli J.

I did it–I lost 15 pounds! Laura M. (diagnosed with hypothyroidism)

Dear Fat Flush friends and supporters, I recently posted that I had lost 10 pounds on QuickStart. I am delighted with my progress this far! Thank you all for your good wishes! Layne K.

Make the next two weeks the best two weeks of your life! Remake your body and your self-image. Get a jumpstart on launching your new radical metabolism and say bye-bye to a sluggish thyroid—forever!

Click here to learn more and get your QUICKSTART Guide today!


Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S.

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, is a New York Times award-winning author of 30 books on detox, health, and healing, including the international bestselling Fat Flush Plan and Zapped! Visit her blog and join her online Fat Flush Community.