Homeopathy expert Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says when choosing a homeopathic medicine to counter a cold symptom or cough, look for the most outstanding features of the cold to match the most outstanding feature of the medicine. She recommends these essential single medicines:

Antimonium tartaricum – Antimonium relieves a wet cough with thick phlegm and difficult expectoration.*

Kali iodatum – Kali iodatum relieves burning nasal discharge, especially if there is a feeling of constriction at the base of the nose.*

Natrum muriaticum – Nat mur relieves a runny nose alternating with periods of dryness and stinging of the nasal cavity.*

Pulsatilla – Pulsatilla relieves non-irritating yellowish nasal discharge with dry nose at night, becoming runny during the day, and loss of smell and taste.*

Spongia tosta – Spongia tosta relieves a croupy, barking cough, especially after a chill or cold weather.*

Not sure which homeopathic medicine is right for you? Download the Boiron Medicine Finder App today! Available for both iOS and Android, this free, easy-to-use app will help you find the best medicine to relieve common health symptoms including colds and coughs in just three clicks! Visit boironusa.com/bmf.

*These “Uses” have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.



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