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White Chocolate-Mint Fudge

a pile of white chocolate fudge made with maple syrup
Prep Time: 
5 minutes, plus 4 hours freeze time
Number of Servings: 
8 pieces


  • 12 cup cacao butter*
  • 12 cup cashew butter
  • 12 cup coconut cream**
  • 14 to 13 cup maple syrup
  • 1 tsp peppermint extract
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 18 tsp salt


  1. Line the inside of an 8 12x4 12-inch loaf pan with a piece of unbleached parchment paper.
  2. Melt cacao butter in a pan set over medium heat. Whisk in cashew butter, coconut cream, and maple syrup until mixture is smooth and well blended. 
  3. Remove pan from heat and stir in peppermint and vanilla extracts and salt. 
  4. Pour mixture into prepared pan. Smooth top with a spatula.
  5. Freeze mixture for 4 hours. Remove fudge from freezer, and slice into 8 pieces. Store in fridge. 
  6. *Cacoa butter is the natural vegetable fat extracted from cocoa beans during chocolate making. It adds smoothness to recipes. Look for it in the baking aisle.


  • While this fudge isn’t the typical snowy-white color seen with traditional white chocolate fudge (this one is light tan in color), it’s still delicious and is much healthier.
  • *Cacoa butter is the natural vegetable fat extracted from cocoa beans during chocolate making. It adds smoothness to recipes. Look for it in the baking aisle.
  • **Coconut cream is a richer product than coconut milk, since it’s one-part water to four-parts coconut. It comes in cans and can be found near the canned coconut milk.
  • Use the higher amount of maple syrup if you like sweeter fudge.
Nutrition Info: 
1 piece, made with 14 cup maple syrup: 272 Calories, 4 g Protein, 31 mg Cholesterol, 12 g Carbohydrates, 6 g Total sugars (6 g Added sugars), 1 g Fiber, 25 g Total fat (13 g sat), 42 mg Sodium, Vitamin A, B2 (riboflavin), Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc


The Taste for Life Test Kitchen

The Taste for Life staffers have a wide variety of backgrounds and dietary needs. We're always experimenting in the kitchen, and love to share what we cook—and what we learn in the process.