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Roasted Pumpkin Wedges

wedges of roasted pumpkin
Prep Time: 
35 minutes
Number of Servings: 
Recipe Source: 
Anthony Stewart for Pritikin


  • 1 medium-sized pumpkin (about 5 pounds)
  • Generous pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 Tablespoon apple juice concentrate, thawed*


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Peel pumpkin the same way you would peel melons like honeydew. Cut off top and bottom so that pumpkin "stands" steady on your surface. To keep pumpkin from moving, a wet towel underneath is helpful. Then, going from top to bottom with a sharp knife, filet the skin off. Next, cut pumpkin into long wedges. Remove pulp and seeds.
  3. Season your wedges with cinnamon and apple juice concentrate.
  4. On a large nonstick baking sheet, bake for 25 minutes or until browned.
  5. Serve hot.


  • *Look for 100% apple juice concentrate in the frozen food section of your market.
Nutrition Info: 
50 Calories, 2 g Protein, 0 mg Cholesterol, 13 g Carbohydrates, 5 g Total sugars (0 g Added sugars), 1 g Fiber, 0 g Total fat (0 g sat), 2 mg Sodium, ★★★★★ Vitamin A, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Phosphorus, Potassium


Anthony Stewart

Executive Chef, Pritikin Longevity Center

Chef Anthony Stewart has won accolades worldwide, including five gold medals in top culinary competitions, for his masterful use of foodstuffs like fresh seafood and tropical fruit from his native Jamaica. Ingeniously and joyously, Chef Anthony creates cuisine that is pleasing not only to our palates but our hearts.

When not in the kitchen, Anthony is in the classroom, and has inspired thousands of Pritikin guests “to have some fun! For most people, cooking is a burdensome affair. Not so, I say!"