Five Must-Have Oils For Your Kitchen

glass bottles of cooking oils

To reduce cardiovascular disease risk, cut your intake of saturated and trans fats by substituting unsaturated fats—such as olive or vegetable oils—for butter, lard, shortening, and margarine. Enjoy a wide selection of organic oils such as peanut, hazelnut, macadamia nut, avocado, red palm, safflower, sunflower, and grape seed.

These organic oils that are great to have on hand for a variety of dishes.

Five Healthy Oils to Keep In Your Kitchen

  • Olive Oil

    This oil is super-rich in monounsaturated fats. Studies have shown these healthy dietary fats can actually improve cholesterol levels. 

  • Sesame Seed Oil

    This oil is loaded with omega 6s and 9s; add it to hot dishes after cooking for a distinctive flavor.

  • Flax Oil

    This oil is a good source of omega 3s. You’ll locate flax oil refrigerated in your natural products store or market.

  • Walnut Oil

    Fantastic on salads and in salad dressings. Check labels: Certain organic walnut oils can be used in cooking. 

  • Almond Oil

    Use raw or in baked goods. Almond oil adds a nuanced taste to Chinese and Indian dishes, as well as to chicken, fish, asparagus, and pasta.

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Letitia L. Star

Taste For Life features articles and recipes by some of the best writers in all-natural wellness and nutrition. For more information, contact us.