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Kids' Nutrition Chart

Young cute siblings surrounded by a rainbow of healthy produce
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
  Action Food Sources Age / RDA
Vitamin A Antioxidant needed for eye and skin health. Fish liver oil; manufactured in the body from brightly colored fruit and veggies.
1-3 300 mcg
4-8 400 mcg
9 -13 600 mcg
14-18 900 mcg (M)
700 mcg (F)
Vitamin D Controls calcium levels; critical for bone and tooth development. Cod liver oil, fatty fish, egg yolks, fortified dairy products.
1-18 600 IU
(15 mcg)
Vitamin E
(D-Alpha Tocopherol)
Antioxidant involved in immune function and anti-inflammatory processes. Wheat germ oil, almonds and other nuts, coldpressed vegetable oils.
1-3 6 mg
4-8 7 mg
9-13 11 mg
14-8 15 mg
Vitamin K Helps with blood clotting and bone formation and repair. Cruciferous and leafy green vegetables.
1-3 30 mcg
4-8 55 mcg
9-13 60 mcg
14-18 75 mcg
Water-Soluble Vitamins
  Action Food Sources Age / RDA
Vitamin B1
Enhances brain function, circulation, digestion, and energy production. Brewer’s yeast, dairy, egg yolks, wheat germ, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds.
1-3 0.5 mg
4-8 0.6 mg
9-13 0.9 mg
14-18 1.2 mg (M)
1 mg (F)
Vitamin B2
Essential to antibody production, generation of energy, and tissue respiration; reduces effects of stress. Almonds, brewer’s yeast, meats, milk, soybeans.
1-3 0.5 mg
4-8 0.6 mg
9-13 0.9 mg
14-18 1.3 mg (M)
1 mg (F)
Vitamin B3
Essential for healthy circulation, skin, and nerves; important for converting food to energy. Beef liver, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, carrots, eggs, fish, nuts, wheat germ, whole wheat.
1-3 6 mg
4-8 8 mg
9-13 12 mg
14-18 16 mg (M)
14 mg (F)
Vitamin B5
Pantothenic Acid
Fights stress; enhances stamina. Brewer’s yeast, eggs, legumes, mushrooms, organ meats, royal jelly, whole wheat.
1-3 2 mg
4-8 3 mg
9-13 4 mg
14-18 5 mg
Vitamin B6 Promotes red blood cell formation; important in sodium-potassium balance, metabolism, and immune function. Bananas, brewer’s yeast, brown rice, carrots, chicken, eggs, fish, organ meats, pork, potatoes, sunflower seeds, whole-grain cereals.
1-3 0.5 mg
4-8 0.6 mg
9-13 1 mg
14-18 1.3 mg (M)
1.2 mg (F)
Vitamin B9
Folate / Folic Acid
Important in genetic, metabolic, and nervous system processes; needed for healthy red blood cells. Asparagus, black-eyed peas, brewer’s yeast, fortified grains, leafy greens, lentils, lima beans, rice germ, spinach.
1-3 150 mcg
4-8 200 mcg
9-13 300 mcg
14-18 400 mcg
Vitamin B12 Prevents anemia; needed for cell formation, digestion, absorption of food, and metabolism. Brewer’s yeast, clams, dairy, eggs, fish, organ meats, sea vegetables, soy.
1-3 0.9 mcg
4-8 1.2 mcg
9-13 1.8 mcg
14-18 2.4 mcg
Biotin Needed for synthesis and utilization of amino acids and fats; supports healthy hair, nails, and skin. Brewer’s yeast, fruit, milk, rice bran, vegetables, nuts.
1-3 8 mcg
4-8 12 mcg
9-13 20 mcg
14-18 25 mcg
Vitamin C Antioxidant needed for many different metabolic functions in the body, including tissue growth and repair, as well as anti-inflammatory action. Berries, citrus fruit, leafy greens, cauliflower, winter squash, asparagus.
1-3 15 mg
4-8 25 mg
9-13 45 mg
14-18 75 mg (M)
65 mg (F)
Important Minerals
  Action Food Sources Age / RDA
Calcium Essential for strong bones and teeth, healthy gums, and muscle function. Dairy (and fortified substitutes), leafy greens, sardines.
1-3 700 mg
4-8 1,000 mg
9-18 1,300 mg
Copper Aids in red blood cell, bone, and collagen formation. Almonds, avocados, legumes, broccoli, oats, seafood, soybeans.
1-3 340 mcg
4-8 440 mcg
9-13 700 mcg
14-18 890 mcg
Iron Essential to blood cell production, normal growth and development, and immune health. Eggs, fish, liver, meat, leafy vegetables, whole grains.
1-3 7 mg
4-8 10 mg
9-13 8 mg
14-18 11 mg (M)
15 mg (F)
Magnesium Vital for enzyme activity and energy production. Dairy, fish, leafy greens, meat, seafood.
1-3 80 mg
4-8 130 mg
9-13 240 mg
14-18 410 mg (M)
360 mg (F)
Manganese Needed for fat and protein metabolism, energy production, healthy nerves, and immune system. Effective for constipation. Avocados, nuts, seeds, sea vegetables, whole grains.
1-3 1.2 mg
4-8 1.5 mg
9-13 1.9 mg (M)
1.6 mg (F)
14-18 2.2 mg (M)
1.6 mg (F)
Selenium Important for thyroid gland function. Brazil nuts, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, brown rice, seafood, meat, whole grains.
1-3 20 mcg
4-8 30 mcg
9-13 40 mcg
14-18 55 mcg
Zinc Important in immune health; deficiency results in loss of senses of smell and taste. Brewer’s yeast, egg yolks, legumes, seafood, sea vegetables, whole grains.
1-3 3 mg
4-8 5 mg
9-13 8 mg
14-18 11 mg (M)
9 mg (F)
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