- When preparing mashed potatoes, reserve some of the water the potatoes were boiled in. Use this liquid in place of butter and milk for mashing.
- Is your recipe for green bean casserole topped with fried onion rings? Garnish it instead with a drizzle of olive oil and some minced garlic. Does the dish call for sour cream? Substitute plain yogurt instead.
- Cook stuffing separately from the turkey. When stuffing is cooked inside the bird, the fat drippings significantly add to the calories of the dish.
- For a high-fiber alternative to bread stuffing, prepare the dish with barley instead of bread chunks.
- Baste the turkey with low-sodium chicken stock in place of pan drippings or butter.
- Instead of flavoring sweet potatoes with honey, maple syrup, or brown sugar, try adding naturally sweet spices such as ginger and cinnamon. A splash or two of orange juice gives the dish a nice tang.
- Check out our healthy Thanksgiving recipes.
“7 Simple Ways to Cut Calories From Thanksgiving Dinner” by Melissa Neiman, www.MoneyTalksNews.com
“Thanksgiving Dinner: 6 Easy Ways to Cut Calories” by Holly C. Corbett, www.Shape.com