These two teas are designed not only to safely support libido and sexual vitality, but also to enhance reproductive hormone health and nourish the body while tasting and feeling good as you sip.
The Yin and Yang of Tea
The theme of each tea borrows on the concepts of yin and yang from traditional Chinese medicine.
While these concepts are sometimes oversimplified to “feminine” and “masculine,” these blends are safe and supportive for all genders.
Think more about which healing qualities your body needs most rather than thinking of them as “for girls” and “for boys.”
These teas could be combined into one blend or taken by the same person at different times of day.
Both blends offer some immediate as well as even better long-term benefits for sexual and overall vitality.
The dry ingredients for both teas can be multiplied to keep a larger batch on hand, scooping several tablespoons of dry mix per 16-ounce serving. Scoop well as the powders tend to settle to the bottom.
If you’re sensitive to high FODMAP foods or you notice gas with these blends (rare but possible), consider drinking just a little bit for your first few days to give your digestive system a chance to adapt to the mucilage and other plant starches.