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Tea Recipes for Libido

Safely support libido and sexual vitality with these delicious blends.
a couple drinking herbal tea while camping in a caravan

These two teas are designed not only to safely support libido and sexual vitality, but also to enhance reproductive hormone health and nourish the body while tasting and feeling good as you sip.

The Yin and Yang of Tea

The theme of each tea borrows on the concepts of yin and yang from traditional Chinese medicine.

While these concepts are sometimes oversimplified to “feminine” and “masculine,” these blends are safe and supportive for all genders.

Think more about which healing qualities your body needs most rather than thinking of them as “for girls” and “for boys.”

These teas could be combined into one blend or taken by the same person at different times of day.

Both blends offer some immediate as well as even better long-term benefits for sexual and overall vitality.

The dry ingredients for both teas can be multiplied to keep a larger batch on hand, scooping several tablespoons of dry mix per 16-ounce serving. Scoop well as the powders tend to settle to the bottom.


If you’re sensitive to high FODMAP foods or you notice gas with these blends (rare but possible), consider drinking just a little bit for your first few days to give your digestive system a chance to adapt to the mucilage and other plant starches.

Shatavari Rose Libido Vitality Tea

The concepts of yin expressed in this tea include a restorative calm that is nourishing and soothing, relaxing yet not sedating, as well as nutritious, gently sweet, and moistening. In Chinese medicine, yin is the dark side of the mountain, which is moist, cool, rich, and nourishing to life, with a subtle, building energy.

Yin is often associated with feminine or estrogenic energy no matter what gender person it supports.

This tea can be enjoyed any time of day and is likely to provide some immediate calming, soothing, and “juiciness” benefits but will be even better consumed daily—you may notice better stress resilience, sleep, and (if you’re peri-or post-menopausal) fewer hot flashes over time.

The flavor of this tea is mild and slightly sweet, with aromatic notes from the linden, fennel, and nutmeg (and damiana and tulsi, if using).

Featuring shatavari as its star libido herb, this tea offers some immediate and longer-term building benefits to promote moist mucous membranes including cervical and vaginal secretions and lubrication. It also helps to ease dryness, depletion, and irritation throughout the body.

Shatavari offers gentle phytoestrogenic benefits alongside moistening and nervous system restorative adaptogenic benefits. It’s one of the most subtle adaptogen nervines and promotes calm, stable mood, particularly with regular consumption.

In this blend, shatavari is combined with herbs that provide additional moistening mucilaginous, nutritious, a softened, calm, and balanced state.

Spiced Maca Cacao Libido Vitality Tea

This tea is inspired by the concepts of yang, often described as the sunny side of the mountain where there is more heat, energy, excitement, and overt and testosterone-like qualities. 

The herbs in this blend not only promote hormonal wellness, libido, and sexual vitality in all genders but also enhance circulation, excite the senses, and increase energy. Although these concepts and herbs are sometimes associated with masculine energy, they’re helpful and appropriate for any gender looking for this kind of vital energy.

This is a particularly nice blend to start your day, or to have after dinner almost like an invigorating dessert tea as long as you’re not caffeine-sensitive to the cacao.

This slightly bitter yet deliciously flavorful tea hints of coffee and hot cocoa. The cardamom, ginger, and cayenne give it a pleasant warming zing reminiscent of Indian masala chai and spiced Mexican cacao.

Maca’s sweet, nutritious flavor and benefits for estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and energy balance in all genders blends beautifully with these flavors.


Maria Noël Groves, RH (AHG)

Maria Noël Groves, RH (AHG), is the best-selling, award-winning author of Body into Balance: An Herbal Guide to Holistic Self Care, Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies, and Herbal Remedies for Sleep.

Maria’s a registered professional herbalist with the American Herbalists Guild and a graduate of the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine and Rosemary Gladstar’s Sage Mountain. Learn more about Maria and herbs at Wintergreen Botanicals.