Prep Time: 10 minutes Number of Servings: 3⁄4 of a cup Ingredients 2⁄3 cup pineapple juice 3 cloves garlic 3 Tbsp oil 2 Tbsp white vinegar 2 tsp ground turmeric 1 tsp ground coriander 3⁄4 tsp ground cardamom 1⁄4 tsp ground cayenne pepper 1⁄2 tsp ground cumin Directions Add all ingredients to a food processor fitted with a metal blade or a high speed blender. Process until well blended. Pour marinade over uncooked fish or chicken in a shallow glass dish. Turn to coat. Refrigerate for no more than 1 hour if marinating fish, and no more than 12 hours if marinating chicken. Share this content. facebookpinterestlinkedinredditemail Contributor The Taste for Life Test Kitchen The Taste for Life staffers have a wide variety of backgrounds and dietary needs. We're always experimenting in the kitchen, and love to share what we cook—and what we learn in the process. You Might Also Like... Spicy Caribbean Marinade Jerk Seasoning Chimichurri Tags: marinades / rubssauceCaribbean