Sweet Violet Vinegar

This recipe has no nutrition info.

a jar of violet petals soaking into vinegar


  • 12 to 34 cup freshly picked viola flowers*
  • Raw apple cider vinegar

* Make sure you are positive the flowers you harvest are from the Viola spp. Don’t be fooled by the African violet, which is not edible.


  1. Fill half to three-quarters of a clean, 12-pint (8 ounces) mason jar with freshly picked viola flowers.
  2. Add raw apple cider vinegar, and fill to about (about 14-inch from the lid.
  3. Cover and let the mixture sit overnight in a cool, dry place.


This is an easy, beautiful way to preserve the lovely spring colors of the viola flowers. This vinegar can be enjoyed year-round. Most herbal infusions must sit between two to four weeks to extract the most medicinal qualities from the plant. However, since viola flowers have delicate petals, you can see the enchanting dark pink color in a few hours. It will be ready to use within 12 to 24 hours.

Using Your Violet Vinegar

There's a world of possibilities, but here are some ideas to get you started.


Lucia Kloster

Lucia Kloster received her master’s degree from Saint Michael’s College. She concentrated her studies on the herbalist Saint Hildegard. She earned certifications in Sacred Plant Medicine and Advance Sacred Plant Medicine from The Gaia School of Healing and Earth Education. She runs Lucia's Gateless Studios offering sacred plant writing salons and retreats.