Ingredients 1-3 drops lemon essential oil 3-5 drops tea tree essential oil 3-5 drops eucalyptus citriodora essential oil 1⁄2 tsp honey Directions Test each essential oil on a patch of skin before using on your face to be sure you’re not sensitive to it. Blend essential oils, and then add 2 drops of blend to 1⁄2 teaspoon honey. Dab the blend on spots up to several times a day, taking care to confine the mixture just to the spots. Looking for More? Learn more about banishing blemishes with these skincare routines! Banish Blemishes with Essential Oils Herb & Essential Oil Steam Share this content. facebooktwitterpinterestlinkedinredditemail You Might Also Like... Herb & Essential Oil Steam Avocado & Rose Face Oil Balancing Face Serum Tags: DIYfacialsfaceessential oilsacne