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Fight the Flu with Elderberry

A bush of immune-boosting elderberries

Try this herbal immunity booster.

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has a lot going for it—and for you—during cold and flu season. Its dense antioxidant levels may keep you from getting sick. If you do succumb, it can help relieve symptoms.

Recent research shows that elderberry has great potential in reducing cellular oxidative stress and preventing inflammatory processes.

Elderberry v. Flu

Research shows that elderberry extract shows promise at being able to reduce the concentration of COVID-19 virus in cells. 

One study showed that patients with flu symptoms who took elderberry lozenges for two days showed statistically significant decreases in fever, headache, and nasal congestion than those taking placebo.

Clinical trials of patients with the flu suggest taking the herb at the first sign of illness and to continue doing so for three to five days. People given elderberry syrup in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that their flu symptoms ended an average of four days sooner than those given a placebo syrup.

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