Drinking More Water

Glass of water

You know you need to stay hydrated, but drinking water all day can get a little dull. Research shows almost half of adults do not get enough water.

Here are some quick and easy ways to infuse more flavor into your daily routine.

  1. Add whole or crushed pieces of fruit to your water. Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, and citrus slices (limes, lemon, orange, grapefruit) make tasty additions.
  2. Drop fresh herbs such as basil or mint into a pitcher or bottle of water. Cucumber slices also refresh.
  3. Add a splash of all-natural, unsweetened juice to water. Try pomegranate, grape, or cranberry and up your vitamins and antioxidant levels at the same time!
  4. Make it bubbly. Mineral water or seltzer water can be a nice change of pace. Add natural fruit juice for a touch of sweetness.
  5. Freeze chopped fruit, mint, or cucumber with water in ice cube trays. Or freeze your favorite lemonade, tea, juice or coffee into ice cubes for a more flavorful cold drink.
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