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Start the New School Year Acne Free

A school girl with a mirror, looking at a pimple on her forehead

Starting a new school year is nerve-wracking enough without having to deal with a last-minute breakout. Implement this anti-acne plan now, and soon you’ll be walking the school corridors with your head held high.

Natural Acne Management

  • Gentle Cleansing

    The first step in caring for problematic, acne-prone skin is to use a gentle cleanser rich in antioxidants.

    Look for vitamin A derivatives, also known as retinoids, as well as vitamin C.

    Cleansers that use essential oils (such as lemongrass, grapefruit, and cranberry) will help regulate your skin’s oil production.

  • Zinc

    Zinc is essential to controlling acne. Look for topical facial products that contain zinc.

    Make sure you’re eating enough of the right foods, such as:

    • pumpkin seeds
    • yogurt
    • cashews
    • chickpeas
    • spinach
  • Acid Exfoliation

    If you’ve been battling breakouts for a while, you’re probably familiar with the power of salicylic acid and glycolic acid to help control mild to moderate acne.

    Both salicylic and glycolic acids are great at exfoliating dead skin cells. Look for maximum strength 2 percent salicylic acid to help prevent clogged pores.

  • Topical Oil

    Although it seems counterintuitive, oil can be used to fight oil. Moroccan argan oil is a secret weapon when it comes to fighting acne.

    This deeply nourishing oil is rich in beneficial essential fatty acids and antioxidants. It’s also high in vitamin E, which is good for damaged and inflamed skin.

    To use Moroccan argan oil, dampen your hands and then apply just a tiny bit to your face before bed. Your wet hands will help spread a small amount of oil easily.

    Regular use of Moroccan argan oil can significantly reduce oiliness.

  • Lifestyle Tips

    • Don’t squeeze pimples.
    • Wash your pillowcase regularly.
    • Reduce consumption of refined, processed foods.
    • Avoid simple sugars, especially soda.
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