Memorial Day

Memorial Day Party Tips


  • Press fresh herbs or flowers under the glass of a large picture frame to make a unique serving tray.
  • Instead of paper napkins, offer colorful dish towels. For fun napkin rings, slip cookie cutters in the shapes of butterflies or flowers over the rolled towels.
  • Place silverware in small, clean terra-cotta pots.


  • Arrange long flatbread crackers or loaves of bread in a clean enamel pail or child's beach pail.
  • Pour lemonade or iced tea into old clean Mason jars or retro soda-fountain glasses. To frost the glasses, place them in the freezer for a few hours.
  • Serve dips in a hollowed out cabbage or radicchio head, or in a scooped out crusty round of bread.


The Taste for Life Staff

The Taste for Life staff come from a wide variety of backgrounds and specialties. We believe learning is a life-long process, and love to share the knowledge we gain.