- 3 eggs
- 2 cups milk (or half and half)
- 1 cup sugar 2 cups heavy cream
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
This recipe has no nutrition info.
Ice Cream Maker
French vanilla is typically more rich and creamy than standard vanilla because the egg yolks and milk are cooked to make a custard prior to mixing the ice cream. This simplified version uses vanilla extract but you could use a vanilla bean and scrape the seeds into the custard to get the black flecks of vanilla in your ice cream if desired. You can stir the ice cream to reach your desired consistency. A word of warning, though: if you take a bite while it’s at milkshake consistency, you may never finish stirring it. It’s that good. To get it hard like store-bought ice cream, you will need to freeze it for several hours before serving it.