Prep Time: 40 minutes Number of Servings: 6 Ingredients 1 quart apple cider 1 cup unsweetened cranberry juice 2 cinnamon sticks 1-inch piece of peeled ginger, sliced thinly 1 tsp whole cloves or 1 pod star anise 2 Tbsp honey 1 organic orange, thinly sliced with peel, (optional) Directions Bring all ingredients, except orange slices, to a boil in a medium pan. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes. Using a fine-mesh strainer, strain cider into mugs. Discard spices. Garnish mugs with orange slices, if using, and serve. Nutrition Info: 129 Calories, 1 g Protein, 33 g Carbohydrates, 1 g Fiber, 9 mg Sodium, ★★ Vitamin C Share this content. facebookpinterestlinkedinredditemail Contributor The Taste for Life Test Kitchen The Taste for Life staffers have a wide variety of backgrounds and dietary needs. We're always experimenting in the kitchen, and love to share what we cook—and what we learn in the process. You Might Also Like... Holiday Pomander Aromatherapy Spray Stuffed Cinnamon Apples Non-Alcoholic Hardcore Cider Tags: thanksgivingapple cidercranberriescinnamonclovesdrinksholidaysautumn / fall