Healing Herbs for Women

Feel more like the goddess you are.
the medicinal herb black cohosh growing in the wild

No matter what stage of womanhood you’re in, chances are there is some herbal remedy that can help you deal with a nagging discomfort or injury, protect you from illness, or, maybe, even make you feel just a little bit more like a goddess.

Herbs for Women's Health

  • Circulation and Dryness

    Dong quai can offer the added benefits of increasing circulation, decreasing vaginal dryness, and, when used in certain formulas, fighting migraines and hot flashes.

  • PMS, Menopause, and Cramps

    The troublesome symptoms of PMS and menopause may be alleviated by black cohosh (Actaea racemosa, a.k.a. Cimicifuga racemosa).

    This herb controls estrogen and helps relieve pain, swelling, and spasms. It may also ease the pressure of menstrual cramps.

    Like dong quai—an herb used widely in China—it has been shown to reduce hot flashes.

  • Stress, Sleep, and Mood

    • Red Raspberry

      Expecting mothers may find that red raspberry—found easily in tea form—may relieve stress, encourage sleep, and assist in muscle recovery after delivery.

    • Rhodiola

      Rhodiola is a root shown to have plenty of positive properties, including boosting overall mood, increasing exercise endurance, and sharpening the mind. Any woman may find those benefits hard to pass up.

  • Osteoporosis

    Some 40 million Americans either have or are at high risk of being diagnosed with osteoporosis, and 80 percent of people diagnosed are women—most in their menopausal or post-menopausal years.

    In addition to weight-bearing exercise and plenty of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and other nutrients that help combat this brittle bone disease, consider red clover.

    The herb contains phytoestrogens, natural compounds that may prevent bone loss, and, in some cases, has been shown to actually increase bone density.

  • Cardiac Health

    Motherwort could be a good choice to support cardiac health, especially in the treatment of conditions caused by stress or high blood pressure.

    Chinese researchers have also found that motherwort improves blood flow to the heart.

    The herb comes in capsule, tincture, or dried-leaf form, so you can enjoy it in a comforting, steaming cup.

Click to See Our Sources

Herbal Therapy & Supplements by Merrily A. Kuhn and David Winston ($46.95, Wolters Kluwer, 2008)

"Role of alternative therapies to improve the quality of life in menopausal women: A systematic review" by A. Aarsshageetha et al., Journal of Mid-Life Health, 7-9/23

“What is osteoporosis?” www.niams.nih.gov

Women’s Herbs, Women’s Health by Christopher Hobbs, L.A.C. and and Kathi Neville ($24.95, Botanica Press, 2007)


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