Chocolate Coconut Haystacks

Prep Time: 
15 minutes
Number of Servings: 
2 dozen treats
Recipe Source: 


  • 12 lb dark chocolate (make sure it contains no dairy, gluten, or nuts)
  • 14 to 12 cup shredded dried coconut


  1. Line a baking sheet with wax paper.
  2. In a heavy saucepan, melt chocolate over low heat. Add coconut and stir until coated.
  3. Remove from heat and let cool at room temperature until lukewarm.
  4. Drop mixture by rounded teaspoonfuls onto prepared baking sheet. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before eating.


If you wish, you can shape the chocolate-coconut mixture to resemble bales of hay instead of dropping them into traditional stacks. Roll in some additional coconut and chill.