Prep Time: 20 minutes Number of Servings: Serves 8 Ingredients 2 cups assorted fruits and vegetables, sliced, such as: apples broccoli carrots cauliflower celery cucumber mushrooms red peppers 1 cup low-fat ranch dressing Directions Arrange sliced fruits and veggies into a skeleton shape on a platter. Fill a small, round, shallow bowl with dressing and cauliflower florets. Place this at top of skeleton to form a “brain.” Chill until served. Nutrition Info: 57 Calories, 10 g Carboydrates, 1 g Fiber, 2 g Total fat, 353 mg Sodium, Vitamin A, C Share this content. facebooktwitterpinterestlinkedinredditemail You Might Also Like... Witches' Toenail Trail Mix Pumpkin Chocolate Protein Bars Coconut-Banana Ghost Pops Tags: halloween