Turning Brown Thumbs, Green

Turning Brown Thumbs, Green

It’s definitely not too early to start planning your garden.

What’s that? You don’t garden?

You’re not alone; most people don’t. That tide is turning though as we learn more about the health and environmental benefits to growing our own food—not to mention the cost savings. If you want to get your hands in the dirt but feel too intimidated, consider a neighborhood kitchen garden. A communal garden gives reticent gardeners a chance to experience all aspects of gardening minus the time commitment of going it alone.

If you don’t have access to yards, contact the city and inquire about using a small patch of city land.

It works like this:

  1. Get a group of neighbors together who want to share the work—and harvest—of one garden.
  2. Determine who has the best yard for it.
  3. Give each person an area to research such as growing in your climate, soil prep, seeds, planting and watering techniques, etc.
  4. Get a schedule on paper. Make it as detail-oriented as possible, including planning meetings, soil preparation, planting, and then weeding and watering rotations.
  5. Cover each other when you’re out of town for work or on vacation.
  6. Get the kids involved.
  7. Make it fun—be supportive, not critical, of one another, and make sure to have a harvest party to celebrate your work.


Calmful Living

Calmful Living is brought to you by Natural Vitality, a purpose-driven human nutrition company. Natural Vitality Calmful Living offers fun tips, delicious recipes, inspiring profiles and features to empower readers to find balance in a stressful world. Visit the Calmful Living Blog for more content that will get you eating, drinking, gardening, shopping and learning in a whole new shade of green.